Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Gosh I haven't update this blog in two years!! Oops? Hahahaha...I've been too busy updating other blogs that I clean forgot about this one!

So I shall revive this one with some random sketches I did using my tablet...for the last couple of months.

My original character, Kat ^^

Next is to draw Krista hahaha 

Oh look, the horrible time I endured while trying to tackle the mess in the house in time for  my relatives to stay over x.x

A very very very random artwork from me hur hur hur 

Ummmm this is how I am lately...come to think of it. Coffee binge, especially since now we have a coffee machine at home...and Starbucks coffee beans. Hahahaha 

Drew this for my aunt...last month I think? I still need a lot of practice hur hur hur....